2023-24 High School Program
Graduation Requirements
Course Credit Requirements
In order to earn a diploma, all students are required to have a minimum of 125 total credits. It is our recommendation that students take as many courses as possible each year for exposure to various elective classes, to work toward meeting graduation requirements and for sports eligibility purposes. Students must maintain a minimum course load of 30 credits per year. Credits are organized by credit groups, such as “English”, or “Mathematics”. Students must achieve a minimum number of required credits in each credit group as follows:
# Years | Credit Group | Total |
4 | 2023-24 English | 20 |
3 | 2023-24 Mathematics
(Must include: Algebra, Geometry and a third year of math that builds on the concepts and skills of Algebra and Geometry and prepares students for college and 21st century careers). |
15 |
4 | 2023-24 Physical Education & Health | 20 |
3 | 2023-24 Science
(Must include: Lab Biology, Lab Chemistry and/or Physics and/or Environmental Science; plus a third laboratory/inquiry-based science). |
15 |
3 | 2023-24 Social Studies | 15 |
1 | 2023-24 Visual and Performing Arts | 5 |
1 | 2023-24 World Languages | 5 |
1 | 2023-24 21st Century Life and Careers | 5 |
1 | 2023-24 Financial Literacy | 2.5 |
Students must acquire the remaining 22.5 credits from elective courses. These remaining elective credits should be selected to provide the student with a well-rounded program that is consistent with the student’s post-secondary educational opportunities, immediate employment, and/or adult citizenship.
Minimum credit requirement for NJSSIA remains per their guidelines which may be higher. A full year course is worth 5 or more credits, while a semester course bears 2.5 credits. Credits are organized by credit groups, such as “English”, or “Mathematics”. Students must achieve a minimum number of required credits in each credit group. Some credit groups may include recommended sequences, while others have mandatory sequences summarized below. Please refer to the High School Course Offerings heading for more detailed course information.
Levels and Weights
All courses at North Warren Regional High School are designed for our students to master the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards and the curricular objectives established by our Board of Education. All courses are intended to prepare students for diverse types of post-secondary choices including college, technical school, military, and the workforce.
- College Prep courses are designed for students to meet the challenges of a rigorous academic program, and prepare students for college, and career.
- Honors courses are designed for students to meet the challenges of a demanding academic program. Recommended for students who have demonstrated exceptional academic performance. A student must achieve a 90 in the prerequisite College Prep course or an 85 in the prerequisite Honors course to be placed in an Honors Course. Exceptions may be made on an individual basis.
- Advanced Placement Courses are designed for students to meet the challenges of a demanding academic program. Recommended for students who have demonstrated exceptional academic performance. Students who place in Advanced placement courses will be taking a College level course. Students will be prepared to take the relevant College Board Advanced Placement Test. A student must achieve a 90 in the prerequisite College Prep course or an 85 in the prerequisite Honors to be placed in an Advance Placement. Exceptions may be made on an individual basis.
The weight assigned to each course level is as follows:
Level | Numeric Scale |
Physical Education, Health and Drivers Education | Add 0.0 points |
College Prep | Add 2.0 points |
Honors | Add 5.0 points |
Advanced Placement | Add 7.0 points |
Honors and Advanced Placement (AP)
Entrance Requirements
Honors/AP Courses offer enrichment both in the scope of material presented and in depth of exploration. To be considered for an Honors level course, a student must demonstrate academic excellence in the specific subject as indicated by his/her performance in a Level II course during the preceding year. Academic excellence is defined as a final grade of 85 or higher.
Rights and Responsibilities
If it becomes evident that a student is unable to achieve at least a 70 average, the placement will be reviewed. If the recommendation is that the student be reassigned to a college prep course, a conference with the student, parent, teacher and school counselor will be scheduled.
- Students receiving a failing grade in two consecutive marking periods will automatically be removed, following a parent conference, and placed in a college prep academic course.
- Students receiving a grade of below 70 in a marking period will be placed on probation. If the grade is not improved to the required standard by the next marking period, the student may be removed and placed in a college prep academic course, following a parent conference.
- Students receiving a final grade of 79 or lower may lose the opportunity to continue in the Honors program within that discipline during the next school year.
Advanced Placement (AP) Courses
The purpose of offering Advanced Placement courses to students is to provide opportunities for students to be challenged in college-level studies, demonstrate to college admissions officials the willingness to challenge oneself academically, and potentially reduce the number of courses needed to be taken in college. Students who achieve a score of at least a 4 or higher will be reimbursed the AP examination fee. Students are reminded to contact their prospective college to inquire about the rules, policies, and/or expectations concerning AP exams.
Grade Point Average Calculation
Grade Point Average (GPA) is the most current average of a student's cumulative GPA history based on final course grades posted to the student's transcript. GPA (cumulative GPA) does not include in progress coursework. GPA is calculated or updated at each school year end by dividing the total number of final course grades by the total number of credits earned, as follows:
GPA = sum ((Course Grades + Weights) x Credits) / sum (Credits)
Course | Course Grade | Weight | Credits | [unweighted]
Course Grade x Credit |
(Course Grade + Weight) x Credit |
AP Lit Comp | 90 | 7 | 5 | 90 x 5 = 450 | (90 + 7) x 5 = 485 |
World Cultures | 88 | 2 | 5 | 88 x 5 = 440 | (88 + 2) x 5 = 450 |
Biology Honors | 80 | 5 | 6 | 80 x 6 = 480 | (80 + 5) x 6 = 510 |
Physical Education | 82 | 0 | 3.75 | 82 x 3.75 = 307.5 | (82 + 0) x 3.75 = 307.5 |
Sum | 19.75 | 1,667.5 | 1,752.5 |
Unweighted GPA: 1,667.5 / 19.75 = 84.94
Weighted GPA: 1,752.5 / 19.75 = 88.73
The GPA is reported/updated annually on the student’s transcript as a numeric value on a 100 point scale, rounded up to 2 decimal places.
Junior Year Graduation
To be considered for Junior Year Graduation, a student must have earned a minimum of 85 credits prior to the first day of their Junior Year. To be eligible for this option, students must complete this application, submit a letter of intent to graduate early addressed to the Superintendent and successfully pass and fulfill the graduation requirements including attendance, credit hours, and any required State tests. This application and all criteria must be approved by the Superintendent by the last day of their Sophomore Year.
Junior Year Graduates will be:
- Ranked with the Junior Class
- Enrolled as Juniors
- Administered any required NJ State assessments in the Junior Year
- Allowed to participate in the graduation commencement ceremony
- Pictured in the graduating Senior section of the yearbook with the caption “Three Year Graduate”
- Required to have any outside courses approved by NWR prior to course enrollment.
Junior Year Graduates will not be eligible to participate in the following programs:
- Senior Trip
- Senior Cruise
- NJ Stars Scholarship Program
- Local Senior Scholarship Program
- Senior activities and any other activities designed for the Senior class (Senior picnic, breakfast, Senior release etc.)
Master Scheduling
Master scheduling is the activity that determines a student’s schedule of courses for the upcoming year, and is an integral part of graduation planning. Students must be mindful of the high school graduation course credit requirements, and sequences together with their post-secondary plans. Graduation planning is an ongoing dialog between a student, their parents/guardians, teachers, and the school counselor.
Toward the end of the first marking period, teachers submit level recommendations for core subject areas (Math, English, Social Studies, Science, World Languages). During November and December, students may select from the electives that are available at their future grade level. It is important to note that students will have less space in their schedules for electives at underclass levels. As a student advances, and meets their graduation credit requirements in different areas, more opportunities open up to take electives. The typical breakdown is as follows:
09th Grade: 2 electives
10th Grade: 3 electives
11th Grade: 3 electives
12th Grade: 6 electives
Semester Course Pairings: Some courses run for the full year, while others run for a single semester (2 marking periods). Single semester courses are usually offered together with a related 2nd course, as part of a 2 semester sequence. In order to maximize the learning benefits to students, students are expected to take both semester courses that form a pair.
Drop/Add - Last day to drop/add courses will be on the fourth day of the first semester. For courses that run only during the second semester, the last day to drop/add courses will be the fourth school day of marking period 3. After this date students will not be permitted to drop or add any courses. Only level changes will be considered past this date on an individual basis.
Criteria for Changing Student Schedules: Due to the complex nature of developing the master schedule and meeting graduation requirements, students are encouraged to make thoughtful and conscientious decisions about their courses for the following school year. Schedule changes may be considered for the following reasons:
- The correction of a clerical error in the schedule
- A recommendation from the Child Study Team or Teacher including course level changes
- A student is repeating a course with the same teacher he/she previously had
- A student wishing to take additional courses, in place of a study hall, which do not entail dropping other courses
Schedule changes will not be considered for the following reasons
- Dropping a course because it is not needed for graduation
- Inability of a student to relate well to a given teacher
- Request is made after the add/drop period has passed*
- Dropping/Adding a course because you do or do not want to be with specific peers
- Dropping a course because of a poor grade
- Would like to be placed in a study hall. Study Hall is not a requestable course.
*If extenuating circumstances arise and a student is granted permission by teacher and department supervisor to drop a course after the drop/add period ends, the student will receive a “Withdrawn Passing” (WP) or “Withdrawn Failing” (WF) mark based upon the student’s current cumulative grade in course. This WP or WF will be recorded on the student’s permanent transcript.
Attendance Credit Recovery Program
The Credit Recovery Program may be used as a component for credit restoration, due to excessive absences, under limited conditions with proper planning in concert with the Administration. All Credit Recovery requests must be made in writing to the principal within 10 days of the receipt of the loss of credit notice. Students will be assigned to Credit Recovery by the Director of Student Services to ensure proper student preparation.
Coursework taken prior to High School
Courses taken prior to 9th grade may be used to fulfill prerequisites or advancement in a particular subject area for the 9th grade school year. However, because graduation requirements may only be met by courses taken in grades 9-12, courses taken prior to 9th grade are not included in GPA or credits earned, nor are these listed on the high school transcript. This policy is a New Jersey state law.
High School Course Offerings
Financial Literacy
Physical Education, Health, and Driver's Education
2023-24 Physical Education, Health, and Driver's Education
Social Studies
Visual and Performing Arts
2023-24 Visual and Performing Arts
World Languages
21st Century Life and Careers
2023-24 21st Century Life and Careers