2024-25 Middle School Program
Middle School Course Offerings
All Middle School students will be enrolled in the following courses. Students must also make a choice between either a cycle of technology, arts, or humanities courses, or a Music Performance focus.
7th Grade Program | 8th Grade Program |
7th G Math
or 7th G Accelerated Math |
8th G Pre-Algebra
or 8th G Algebra 1 |
7th G Science | 8th G Science |
7th G Language Arts | 8th G Language Arts |
American Perspectives | Western European |
7th G ELA Writing Skills (Alternating Days)
7th G Math Skills (Alternating Days) |
8th G ELA Writing Skills (Alternating Days)
8th G Math Skills (Alternating Days) |
Physical Education and Health | Physical Education and Health |
Cycle (1 Marking Period for Each Course)
7th G Spanish 7th G Intro to Psychology and Sociology 7th G Character Ed 7th G Economics |
Cycle (1 Semester for Each Course)
8th G Spanish 8th G Music Theory |
Music or Cycle
Music (Full Year) Band Chorus -- or -- Cycle (1 Marking Period for Each Course) Art Coding Nutrition Filming the Novel |
Music or Cycle
Music (Full Year) Band Chorus -- or -- Cycle (1 Marking Period for Each Course) Art Robotics Agriculture Leadership for Life |
Middle School Course Descriptions
7th Grade
7th Grade Core Academic Courses
7th Grade Mathematics
This course offers a broad spectrum of topics designed to integrate all aspects of the mathematics curriculum. The course is designed to exhibit a balance between theory and application that is essential for future study. Fundamentals will be interwoven with problem-based learning to provide a rich working knowledge of number and numerical operations; geometry and measurement; patterns and algebraic concepts; data analysis and probability; as well as discrete mathematics and mathematical processes. Students in 7th grade mathematics will be assigned to one of two levels of mathematics instruction: Math 7 or Accelerated Math 7. Some students will be eligible to take Accelerated Math based on the following criteria: (1) Standardized Test Scores; (2) Fifth and sixth grade mathematics grades, (3) Teacher recommendations, and. (5) Placement Test Score
7th Grade Life Science
This basic life science course is infused with some aspects of earth science as it relates to current topics. Students will gain knowledge of life and its processes and how both relate to the environment. In addition to the information gained from textbooks and classroom discussions, students will utilize inquiry experiments to investigate and learn about basic concepts related to life and the world around us.
7th Grade Language Arts
The focus of this course is on the development of reading and writing skills through the use of literature, written language, spoken language, and vocabulary. Students will develop reading comprehension and critical analysis skills related to reading tasks. Students will read and respond to a variety of genres including fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. Students will read literary works using novels and an anthology. Works of still visual art and film with an emphasis on observation, description, comparison, contrast, and evaluation will be viewed and analyzed. Writing skills will be further developed, as students will be required to communicate their thoughts and ideas through the construction and delivery of clear and intelligent written language. Vocabulary skills will be developed throughout the school year utilizing both vocabulary from context and vocabulary workbooks that enrich student utilization of more complex vocabulary terms. Lastly, this course will emphasize spoken language with students orally presenting their opinions and/or findings from literature or writing exercises.
7th Grade American Perspectives
This course encompasses the topical areas of the United States inclusive of political history, political structure, political process, the basic principles of the United States Constitution, and the basic principles of the United States economic system.
7th Grade ELA Writing Skills
The 7th grade writing course is an introductory course designed to familiarize students with the concepts of writing through personal narrative, argumentative, and expository forms of writing. Students will be introduced to these styles and given a broad approach to their application and development.
7th Grade Math Skills
This 7th Grade course is intended to provide ALL students with practice on the basic skills needed to be successful mathematical problem solvers. Students will work on the skills that pertain to their level of mathematics which will be determined by both placement and standardized test data.
7th Grade Cycles
A cycle is a course that lasts 1 quarter (1 marking period), and provides students with exposure to a variety of interests, and subject areas with particular focus on arts, music, world languages, technology, engineering, leadership, and economics. The 7th Grade program offers two cycles.
1st Cycle
7th G Spanish
This course develops the basic vocabulary, geography, and culture of Spanish-speaking countries that was started in elementary school. Grammatical structures are introduced.
7th G Intro to Psychology
Students will understand the basic functions of the brain and how memory works. They will learn how best to study and understand what motivation is and how it drives us to succeed. Students will also be exposed to sensation and perception and concepts surrounding personality.
7th Character Ed
Character education is a marking period long 7th-grade course that looks to answer character defining questions: What do my heart and conscience tell me? Could it hurt anyone - including me? Is it fair? How would I feel if somebody did it to me? How will I feel about myself later if I do it? What would adults I respect say about it? The course engages students to talk about how to establish and employ sound character decisions.
7th Economics
7th Grade Economics is a marking period long class designed to introduce students to how financial literacy plays a part in the real world. Students research careers they are considering pursuing in the future, including the education and training that will be required. The course takes a look at savings and checking accounts, the difference between debit and credit cards, budgeting, earnings statements, interest, and taxes. Students complete a number of real-life computer-generated scenarios throughout the marking period in order to make decisions that they will one day face in life. The culminating Game of Life project requires students to use all of the skills and knowledge they have developed throughout the marking period.
2nd Cycle
Students may choose Band, or Chorus for the full year, or the cycle courses, which meet one per quarter (marking period).
7th G Band (year)
In this course, students will develop a basic level of performance by actively participating. The class is focused towards developing performance and rehearsal atmospheres that are musically enjoyable, educationally worthwhile, and valid. Compositions varying in degree of difficulty and representative of all types and periods of music are used as texts. Performances are spread throughout the year to allow for proper preparation and to ensure each student adequate study time.
7th G Chorus (year)
This course prepares students for high school Chorus. Each day, the class begins with vocal warm ups and exercises designed to condition and strengthen the various components of the singing voice (diaphragm, vocal chords, facial, and neck muscles). These warm ups include major and minor scales, tetrachords, solfeggio, sequential, and breathing exercises. The warm ups also develop tone production and intonation. Following daily warm ups, the singing of the current repertoire is performed. This repertoire includes basic music to be prepared for performance at one of several concerts during the school year as well as for study purposes. Rehearsal of the repertoire includes musical as well as stylistic consideration. All music is
rehearsed with respect to the students’ understanding of dynamics, phrasing, harmonic motion, tempi indications, and musical form.
7th G Art (quarter)
This course is designed to introduce students to the foundations of visual art. Color theory, positive and negative spacing, and perspective are all taught and put into practice using a variety of mediums. Students will execute works of art in scratchboard, color media, and ink. Emphasis is placed on drawing as well as thinking in the third dimension while executing works on a two-dimensional plane. Natural ability is not necessary, nor required, as students will be building their skills from the fundamentals provided in this course.
7th G Coding (quarter)
This course is designed to introduce students to creative computing using a design-based learning approach. Creative computing supports the development of personal connections to computing by drawing upon creativity, imagination, and interests. It emphasizes the knowledge and practices students need to create the types of dynamic and interactive computational media that they enjoy in their daily lives. Creative computing develops computational thinkers—individuals who can draw on computational concepts, practices, and perspectives in all aspects of students’ lives, across disciplines and contexts.
7th G Nutrition & Wellness (quarter)
Nutrition and Wellness is a course that develops skills related to proper nutrition and the concept of overall wellness. It includes instruction in nutrition, exercise, and components for a healthy lifestyle.
7th G Filming the Novel (quarter)
Movies can be an integral part of the language arts classroom when they are used in ways to encourage and develop students’ critical thinking. Novels and the movies adapted from them will be used to develop their analytical strategies. The students will use graphic organizers to draw comparisons between the two versions and hypothesize about the effect of adaptation. The students will analyze the differences between the two versions and cite specific examples from the film and textual evidence from the novel.
8th Grade
8th Grade Core Academic Courses
8th Grade Mathematics
Students in 8th grade mathematics will be assigned to one of two levels of mathematics instruction: Pre-Algebra or Algebra 1.
8th Grade Pre-Algebra
This course will continue to build student skills and knowledge in the five mathematical clusters highlighted in the 7th grade mathematics course. A particular emphasis will be placed on providing students with fundamental structure, logic, and progression of algebraic concepts. Applications using the computer and calculator technology are designed to enhance competency with data analysis. The goal is to provide each student with a strong foundation for successful mathematical study in all levels of high school algebra, geometry, and beyond.
Algebra I
This course covers the basic structure of Algebra (i.e. the real number system and the systematic investigation of its properties). It follows this approach in as much depth as possible through radicals and quadratic equations, preparing for a more comprehensive course in mathematics. Students in Algebra I will take the High School Algebra I NJSLA Test, passing the NJSLA Algebra I is currently a requirement for High School Graduation.
8th Grade Physical Science
An introductory overview of the field of physical science is provided in this course. Students will be provided with the background information necessary to pursue the study of science in high school. Instruction will focus on the major areas of chemistry, physics, and earth science.
8th Grade Language Arts
This course is a natural transition for students from the 7th grade program by continuing to reinforce reading, written language, spoken language, and vocabulary development. Students will continue to develop reading comprehension and critical analysis skills as they read and respond to novels and a literature anthology comprising several genres including fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. Works of still visual art and film with an emphasis on observation, description, comparison, contrast, and evaluation will continue to be viewed and analyzed. Regarding the development of writing skills, students will experience effective writing techniques focused on personal writing skills, paragraph writing skills, language usage skills, as well as increasing the breadth of their essays. Students will be required to maintain a journal as an integral part of this course. Another emphasis will be placed on the spoken language with students required to orally present their opinions on literature and their positions taken through the writing process. Lastly, this course will continue to emphasize the ongoing development of vocabulary with a desired goal for students to incorporate the newly mastered language in their written and spoken language.
8th Grade Western European History
This course is designed to provide students with a broad perspective on Western European History and to develop an appreciation for significant events. These events include but are not limited to the Crusades, the Renaissance, the Reformation, and European expansion through the Age of Exploration.
8th Grade Writing
The 8th grade writing course develops the skillsets established in 7th grade with more detail and context, expanding the learning and application of writing across personal narrative, argumentative, and expository styles of writing. Students will continue to develop their ability to form and use appropriate sentences and grammatical structure in preparation for high school education and the rigors provided therein.
8th Grade Math Skills
This 8th Grade course is intended to provide ALL students with practice on the basic skills needed to be successful mathematical problem solvers. Students will work on the skills that pertain to their level of mathematics which will be determined by both placement and standardized test data.
World Language
8th Grade Spanish
This is an introductory course which is designed to provide a foundation for successive years and levels of Spanish. It provides the student with some proficiency in the four basic skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The student is also exposed to the culture, history, literature and geography of the Spanish-speaking regions of the world.
8th Grade Music Theory
8th Grade Music Theory 1 is a semester elective course for all students. The course will recognize the strengths and abilities of each individual and work toward goals to increase theoretical musical knowledge, offering both practical and creative experience with music. The basics of music theory will be introduced and studied, while students are given opportunities to explore and compose music, familiarize themselves with the keyboard, navigate and effectively operate 21st century music software programs, and develop an appreciation for music theory.
8th Grade Cycles
Students may choose Band, or Chorus for the full year, or the cycle courses, which meet one per quarter (marking period).
8th G Band (year)
In this course, students will develop a basic level of performance by actively participating. The class is focused towards developing performance and rehearsal atmospheres that are musically enjoyable, educationally worthwhile, and valid. Compositions varying in degree of difficulty and representative of all types and periods of music are used as texts. Performances are spread throughout the year to allow for proper preparation and to ensure each student adequate study time.
8th G Chorus (year)
This course prepares students for high school Chorus. Each day, the class begins with vocal warm ups and exercises designed to condition and strengthen the various components of the singing voice (diaphragm, vocal chords, facial, and neck muscles). These warm ups include major and minor scales, tetrachords, solfeggio, sequential, and breathing exercises. The warm ups also develop tone production and intonation. Following daily warm ups, the singing of the current repertoire is performed. This repertoire includes basic music to be prepared for performance at one of several concerts during the school year as well as for study purposes. Rehearsal of the repertoire includes musical as well as stylistic consideration. All music is
rehearsed with respect to the students’ understanding of dynamics, phrasing, harmonic motion, tempi indications, and musical form.
8th Grade Art (quarter)
Agriculture is seen all around us. From energy we use to plants and animals that we eat, understanding the world around us can be done through Agriculture. In this course, which is part of the Middle School Rotation, students will dive in to experience a basic level of understanding in how agriculture affects their life. We will discuss how agricultural systems work from a variety of perspectives based upon the Curriculum of Agricultural Science Education (CASE). Students will also begin to look at their future after high school. This marking period long course is made to set students up for success in high school specifically the agricultural courses offered at NWR. Students in this course are members of the National FFA Organization and have the optional opportunity to take advantage of this through various events.
8th Robotics (quarter)
The 8th Grade Cycle course in Robotics is intended to provide students with an introductory understanding of programming using the VEX V5 system. The goal is to provide students with an opportunity to use critical thinking, problem solving and cooperation skills.
8th Grade Agriculture (quarter)
This is a fast-paced, hands-on course designed to stimulate interest in the agriculture science field and develop an appreciation of this field in our daily lives. Students are exposed to activities in the greenhouse, classroom, and outside.
8th Grade Leadership for Life (quarter)
In this class, you will learn a variety of leadership skills and focus on specific principles that will set you apart in high school, college, and a career in your future. You will need to be an active participant in order to be engaged and practice the techniques learned. There will be times when you will need to reflect on personal experiences, work collaboratively in groups, spread positivity around the classroom and school, and design a leadership activity. As you learn, you will become engaged, put your education into action, and be a positive influence in school and the community. You don’t need to have a position or title to be a leader. The best leaders are those who lead themselves first!
Reading Intervention or Math Intervention
Students who are identified as being at-risk for passing state proficiency assessments are provided with intervention, to remediate skills in these subject areas. Students are identified through a combination of standardized test scores, testing software products, course grades, and staff recommendations. Parent and student referrals are accommodated when possible. This is mandatory for students identified as requiring remediation. The instruction emphasizes remediation and reinforcement of basic skills in language arts or math, as well as promoting good study skills.
Middle School Promotion
Standards for pupil promotion are related to the New Jersey Student Learning Standards, district goals and objectives, and accomplishment of students. A student in the 7th or 8th grade will be promoted to the next grade level when he/she has completed the course requirements for Math, Science, Social Studies, and Language Arts by earning a passing grade for the year and a combined passing average for all other courses at the current grade level. School attendance is a factor in the determination of a pupil’s promotion or retention.
Any student who does not meet this requirement, may choose to remediate up to two core courses over the summer through an online program, tutoring from a teacher on the approved List of Tutors, or a summer school program. Before registering for any of these options, the course and type of program must be approved by school administration. Transportation and all costs associated with the summer remediation are the responsibility of the parent/guardian. A student who successfully completes and passes the course or courses through a summer remediation program may appeal to the Principal for consideration for promotion to the next grade. All appeals must be completed by August 15.
The parent/guardian may appeal a promotion or retention decision to the Principal whose decision shall be final.